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10-minute JLPT N2 Intermediate-Advanced Japanese Reading Practice WITH QUESTIONS

Updated: Jun 7, 2024

Cartoon flowers with a white box that says "JLPT N2 Japanese Reading Practice"

Need some practice reading long Japanese passages before the upcoming JLPT? Look no further than my Japanese Reading Practice series, designed to make Japanese reading practice easy, quick, and convenient for learners like you! Today's post is geared towards the intermediate-advanced crowd, aiming for the N2. And in the spirit of ramping up for the next JLPT, this time I've included 2 comprehension questions in the JLPT style!

The content from this series comes directly from my Japanese diary, so it's hopefully a bit more interesting than the official JLPT website's practice material. It's also been double-checked for accuracy by my Japanese teacher, who is a native speaker.

As usual, this post is broken up into three sections: the passage without any kanji readings (like the real JLPT), the passage WITH kanji readings (for your reference and practice), and finally a vocabulary section with English translations and some notes on usage. The questions are in the section WITHOUT kanji, just like it would be on the real test!

I'll post the answers to the questions at the end!

Today's topic is the recipe I just can't stop making this summer in Japan: spicy sesame reimen! I hope you enjoy the reading practice and questions, and if you can, try out the dish as well! It's so addicting! (Sorry you can't see the sauce under the noodles in the picture! I usually just place the noodles on top then eat from the bottom.)

Chinese Cold Noodles with egg, cucumber, and crab

JLPT N2 (Intermediate) Japanese Reading Practice NO Kanji Readings (with practice questions!)








  1. カニカマを使うこと

  2. ソースを正しく作ること

  3. ちゃんと麵を冷やすこと

  4. トッピングを細長く切ること


  1. アメリカ風の温かい麵の味

  2. このレシピのソースの味

  3. 冷たいラーメンの味

  4. 日本風のラーメンの味

JLPT N2 (Intermediate) Japanese Reading Practice WITH Kanji Readings







JLPT N2 Vocabulary List

最近(さいきん)- recently

ハマっている - addicted

食べ物(たべもの)- food

今回(こんかい)- this time

日記(にっき)- diary

トピック - topic

考えられない(かんがえられない)- can't think of

紹介(しょうかい)- introduce

~と思います(おもいます)- I think ~

この頃(ごろ)- these days

週(しゅう)に - one week

2、3回(に、さんかい)- two or three times

位(ぐらい)- about


中華(ちゅうか)- Chinese

冷麺(れいめん)- cold noodle

冷たい(つめたい)- chilled

ラーメン - ramen

流行って(はやって)いる - popular

以外(いがい)- except for

だいたい - generally

温かい(あたたかい)- warm

日本(にほん)- Japan

引っ越して(ひっこして)- moving

新しい(あたらしい)‐ new

うまさ - deliciousness

知って(しって)きました - have come to know; learned

私(わたし)- I

1番(いちばん)- number one

好きな(すきな)- favorite

作り方(つくりかた)- how to make

書きます(かきます)- write

まず - first

トッピング - topping

いつも - always

卵(たまご)- egg

きゅうり - cucumber

使います(つかいます)- use

ボール - bowl

混ぜて(まぜて)- mix

卵焼き(たまごやき)のフライパン - square pan for making tamagoyaki

錦糸卵(きんしたまご)- thinly sliced omelettes

作ります(つくります)- make

つまり - that is to say

薄焼き卵(うすやきたまご)- thin sheets of egg

1枚(いちまい)ずつ - one sheet by one sheet

焼いて(やいて)- cook

そして - then

折って(おって)- fold

細く(ほそく)- thinly

切ります(きります)- cut

めんどくさい - hassle

こういう風(ふう)に - like this

美味しく(おいしく)- delicious

斜め(ななめ)に - diagonally

1センチ位 - about one centimeter

スライス - slice

簡単(かんたん)- easy

細長い(ほそながい)- long and thin

スティック - stick

タンパク質(しつ)- protein

加える(くわえる)- to add (something)

ために - for the sake of

カニカマ - fake crab sticks

使う(つかう)ようになりました - started using

フォークで - with a fork

裁断(さいだん)- shred

しやすい - easy to do

嫌(いや)だ - not good ("that's a no from me dog" energy)

ハム - ham

大丈夫(だいじょうぶ)- fine

やはり - in the end/after all/as I thought

1番(いちばん)- number one

大切(たいせつ)- important

ソース - sauce

ごまタレ - sesame dressing (yes, like the salad dressing)

たっぷり - plenty

入れます(いれます)- put in

次(つぎ)- next

辛い(からい)- spicy

ラー油(らーゆ)- chili oil

米酢(こめず)- rice vinegar

昆布(こんぶ)つゆ - konbu tsuyu (Japanese kelp stock)

大さじ1(おおさじいち)- one tablespoon

ニンニク - garlic

さらに - even more

できる - can do

すごく - amazingly

毎回(まいかい)- every time

食べたら(たべたら)- when I eat

やばいな - in this case, amazing. Can mean an extreme in any direction (good, bad, dangerous, etc.)

最後(さいご)に - lastly

ラーメンの麺(めん)- ramen noodles

茹でて(ゆでて)- boil

氷(こおり)- ice

冷やして(ひやして)- cool (something)

盛り付ける(もりつける)- to assemble (used for food)

レシピ - recipe

ほんとうに - really

お勧め(おすすめ)- recommend

作りやすくて - easy to make

Practice Question Answers

  1. 2

  2. 3


That's all for today's reading practice! The JLPT will be around the corner again before we know it, so today's passage was longer than usual. How did it go for you? Were you able to answer the questions?

Let me know what you thought in the comments!

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As always, thanks so much for reading!


Want more Japanese Reading Practice for the JLPT? Check out my other posts here!


Mattia Ravaglia
Mattia Ravaglia
Jun 30, 2024


Jul 07, 2024
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