Looking for some Intermediate Level Japanese reading practice for the JLPT?
Look no further! Welcome to my quick and easy Japanese Reading Practice series, designed to help Japanese learners like you improve your Japanese reading fluency, prepare for the JLPT, and learn new kanji and vocabulary!
My Japanese Reading Practices come from my own personal Japanese diary - meaning you'll encounter the kanji, grammar, and vocabulary that are useful in every day life! Before posting here, I always have my diary entries checked and corrected by my native Japanese speaking teacher to ensure that you always have 100% accurate Japanese practice.
Today's reading practice is written around the JLPT N3, or Intermediate Japanese level. So if you're trying to polish up your Japanese reading skills, but aren't quite yet at the level to be reading material for native speakers, then let's dive in! Good luck!
The topic of today's diary entry is my partner getting sick with a bad cold. (They're also an English teacher, but they work with little kids who bring in a lot of germs! Don't worry though, they're okay now!)
This post is broken into 3 sections:
Intermediate Japanese Reading Practice - WITHOUT Kanji Readings
Intermediate Japanese Reading Practice - WITH Kanji Readings
Intermediate Japanese JLPT N3 Vocabulary List
先週(せんしゅう)- last week
日曜日(にちようび)- Sunday
パートナー - my partner (gender neutral) - not commonly used by Japanese people but understood - I use this term to avoid outing myself as queer. Usually it's assumed that I mean boyfriend and just say partner because I'm a foreigner
病気(びょうき)- sick; sickness
最初(さいしょ)- the first
三日間(みっかかん)- three days
熱(ねつ)が出て(でて)いました - had a fever
もちろん - of course
ボス - her boss
彼女(かのじょ)- she/her
仕事(しごと)- work
帰らせました(かえらせました)- sent home
そして - then
咳(せき)- cough
どんどん - more and more
激しく(はげしく)なりました - became severe
金曜日(きんようび)- Friday
病院(びょういん)- hospital
行って(いって)- go
薬(くすり)- medicine
もらいました - received
効いて(きいて)いない - not working
特に(とくに)- especially
夜(よる)- night
横(よこ)になる - lay down
止まらない(とまらない)- doesn't stop
風邪薬(かぜぐすり)- cold medicine
使って(つかって)いた - was using
だんだん - gradually
効かなくなりました - become less effective; stop working
昨日(きのう)- yesterday
ずっと - for a long time
私(わたし)- I
ほんとうに - really
眠い(ねむい)- sleepy
お医者(いしゃ)さん - doctor
なぜか - for some reason
コロナの検査(けんさ)- COVID test
今日(きょう)- today
ホームテスト - home test
買いに行く(かいにいく)つもりです - plan to go buy
もう一度(いちど)- one more time
〜と思います(おもいます)- I think ~
ほぼ - almost
1週間(いっしゅうかん)- one week
休んだ(やすんだ)- missed work
できるだけ - as much as possible
早く(はやく)- quickly
戻りたい - want to return
〜と言って(いって)います - is saying
でも - but
ありがたいことに - thankfully
一緒(いっしょ)に - together
住んで(すんで)いる - living
不思議(ふしぎ)- strange
〜と思わないでいられない - can't help but thinking
たぶん - maybe
ワクチン - vaccine
〜のおかげ - thanks to ~
結局(けっきょく)- in the end
完全(かんぜん)に - completely
治りました(なおりました)- healed
And that's a wrap for today's Japanese Reading Practice. How did it go for you? Did you encounter any new Japanese kanji, words or grammar structures? Let me know in the comments! As always, suggestions, comments, concerns, or corrections are welcome and encouraged.
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Want some more Japanese Reading Practice for the JLPT? Check out my other Reading Practices!
Intermediate-Advanced Japanese Level (JLPT N3 - JLPT N2):
Beginner Japanese Level (JLPT N5 - JLPT N4):