Hi everyone! How's your Japanese studying going these days? Today I have another BEGINNER LEVEL Japanese Reading Practice for you! Got five minutes to try it out?
For any newcomers, my Japanese Reading Practice series is designed to help you practice reading Japanese in a convenient, learner-friendly way. One of the ways I was able to learn Japanese to the N2 level in just 2 years was by reading from the get-go, even when my level was still really low. But sometimes native materials, even children's books, can have confusing grammar and unfamiliar words. Which is why I'm turning my own Japanese diary into practice material for beginners like you!
All content for this series comes from my personal Japanese diary, so it's fast, easy, and always double-checked for accuracy by my native-speaking Japanese teacher! I hope you enjoy!
This post is written at approximately a JLPT N5/N4 level, meaning that it contains beginner level grammar and kanji. But, I'll provide Kanji readings and vocabulary too, so even if you're new to Japanese, give it a shot!
If you're at a higher level of Japanese, I also posted an Intermediate Japanese (JLPT N3) level version of this reading practice! Find it here.
As usual, the first section is kanji only, and the second section is the same post with the kanji readings included. Also, sometimes as a beginner it's really hard to know where words end and begin, so I've bolded the particles (は、が、で、に、と、を)as well as some connecting words to help you out a bit. I've also underlined a few challenge words that might be new for you.
(A full vocabulary list with both kanji readings and English translations is also included at the end of the post.)
Today's topic is typhoon season here in Japan! Good luck, and as always, let me know how it goes in the comments!
JLPT N4 Level Japanese Reading Practice (without Kanji readings)
JLPT N4 Beginner Japanese Reading Practice WITH kanji readings
JLPT N4 Beginner Japanese Vocabulary List
日本(にほん)- Japan
5月(ごがつ)- May
から - from
10月(じゅうがつ)- October
まで - until
台風(たいふう)- typhoon
きせつ - season
せんしゅう - last week
金よう日(きんようび)- Friday
台風2ごう - Typhoon Number 2
来て(きて)いました - was coming
大雨(おおあめ)- Heavy rain
けいほう - warning/alert
なので - so, because of that
私(わたし)- I
学校(がっこう)- school
授業(じゅぎょう)- class/lessons
キャンセルしました - cancelled
かわりに - instead
家(いえ)- home / house
仕事(しごと)- work
オンライン授業 - online class
二つ(ふたつ)- 2 (things)
だけ - only
とても - very
ひま - free time
アパート - apartment
そうじ - cleaning
りょうり - cooking
テレビ - TV
見ました(みました)- watched
朝(あさ)- morning
雨(あめ)- rain
たくさん - a lot
(雨が)ふっていました - it was raining
でも - but
5時(ごじ)- 5 o'clock
ごろ - around
つよくなりました - became strong (つよい+なる)
だいじょうぶ - fine, OK
ちょっと - a bit
こわかった(present tense - こわい)- was scary
昨日(きのう)- yesterday
午後(ごご)- afternoon
(雨が)やみました - the rain stopped
たぶん - maybe
月よう日(げつようび)- Monday
行きます(いきます)- I will go
ですが - but
お休み - day off
さいこう - the best
~と思います(おもいます)- I think
Do you want more Japanese Reading Practice? Check out some of my other JLPT Reading Practices!
Intermediate Japanese Level (JLPT N3 - JLPT N2)
Beginner Japanese Level (JLPT N5 - JLPT N4)
That's all for this BEGINNER Japanese reading practice. How did it go for you? How much were you able to understand without looking at the vocabulary list? Let me know about your experience, and if you have any requests, suggestions, etc. in the comments!
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Thanks for reading!