Hi everyone! Welcome back to my Japanese Reading Practice series! I'm so excited because this is the first Advanced / Upper Intermediate Japanese level passage in this series!
For any newcomers, Konnichiyall is a space for anyone self-studying Japanese. Here you'll find all kinds of study resources, tips, and advice for Japanese language learning. This Japanese Reading Practice series is designed to help you increase your Japanese reading fluency and practice for the JLPT in a quick, easy, and convenient way!
As always, I'll insert the reading twice: once without Kanji readings, so you can treat it like a real JLPT passage, and once again below with readings to help you with any new kanji. Lastly, a vocabulary list is included for any unfamiliar words!
All readings in this series come from my own personal Japanese diary - meaning they're relatively short, fast, and most importantly, checked by my native Japanese speaking teacher before they ever make it here.
This passage is written around a JLPT N2 level, with a bit of challenging vocabulary closer to N1. However, since a vocabulary list is included, I hope N3 level learners can feel confident to give this a shot as well!
Today's post topic is a Girl's Love light novel series called The Magical Revolution of the Reincarnated Princess and the Genius Young Lady that I've been reading for Japanese practice recently. It's an isekai fantasy story, so some of the vocabulary is a bit tougher than usual. Good luck! Let me know what you thought in the comments below when you're finished!
Upper Intermediate / Advanced JLPT N2 Japanese Reading Practice - WITHOUT Kanji Readings
Advanced Intermediate Level JLPT N3/ JLPT N2 Japanese Reading Practice - WITH Kanji Readings
JLPT N3/N2/N1 Vocabulary List
最近(さいきん)- recently
新しい(あたらしい)- new
本(ほん)- book
読んで(よんで)います - am reading
タイトル - title
転生(てんせい)- reincarnation
王女(おうじょ)- princess
天才(てんさい)- genius
令嬢(れいじょう)- title meaning daughter of someone important (in this context daughter of a duke)
魔法(まほう)- magic
革命(かくめい)- revolution
ジャンル - genre
異世界(いせかい)- literally "different world" - a genre where the main character is brought to another world by some means
ファンタジー - fantasy
百合(ゆり)- "Girl's love" ie lesbian romance
まだ - still
第一章(だいいっしょう)- chapter one
読みかけ(よみかけ)です - not finished reading; still reading
けど - but
めちゃ - really (slang)
面白い(おもしろい)- interesting
〜と思います(おもいます)- I think ~
メインキャラクター - main character
一人(ひとり)- one person
私たち(私たち)- we
世界(せかい)- world
生まれ変わった(うまれかわった)- reborn / reincarnated
使えない(つかえない)- can't use
科学(かがく)- science
覚えている(おぼえている)- remembers
ので - so, because of that
いつも - always
魔法道具(まほうどうぐ)- magic tools/contraptions
発明(発明)する - to invent
王女として - as a princess
ちょっと - a bit
問題児(もんだいじ)- problem child
王位継承権(おういけいしょうけん)- right to the throne
捨てました(すてました)- threw away
だから - so
弟(おとうと)- little brother
次(つぎ)- next
国王(こくおう)- king; ruler
〜ことになっています - it has been decided that ~
元々(もともと)- originally
天才児(てんさいじ)- genius child, incredibly smart child
公爵(こうしゃく)- duke
令嬢(れいじょう)- daughter
婚約(こんやく)- engagement
彼(かれ)- he
貴族(きぞく)- nobility
みんな - everyone
目(め)- eyes
前(まえ)- front
破棄(ほうき)- abandonment
そして - then
可哀想な(かわいそうな)- pitiful, poor thing
女の子(おんなのこ)- girl
助けて(たすけて)- help/save
今(いま)- now
起こる(おこる)- to happen
ほんとうに - really
知りたい(しりたい)- want to know
今日(きょう)- today
友達(ともだち)- friend
昼ご飯(ひるごはん)- lunch
お寿司(おすし)- sushi
食べ(たべ)に行きます(いきます)- go to eat
午後(ごご)- afternoon
ずっと - for a long time
読む(よむ)つもりです - plan to read
楽しみ(たのしみ)にしています - looking forward to
And that's all for this Japanese Reading Practice! How did it go for you? Are you going to check out the book series for yourself? Let me know any comments, suggestions, corrections, or concerns below in the comment section!
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Thank you always for reading!
Want some more Japanese Reading Practice for the JLPT? Check out my other Reading Practices below!
Intermediate Japanese Level (JLPT N3 - JLPT N2):
Beginner Japanese Level (JLPT N5 - JLPT N4):