Need some fast, easy, and convenient practice reading Japanese for the JLPT? Look no further than my Japanese Reading Practice Series! This series is full of short reading passages at ALL LEVELS to help you increase your Japanese reading fluency little by little, and get ready for your exam!
Today's Japanese Reading Practice is written around a JLPT N3 level. If you're practicing for the JLPT, try it first without the kanji readings, then scroll down to the next sections to check kanji readings and vocabulary meanings!
The material for my JLPT reading practice series comes from my own Japanese diary. As a learner, it's important to practice reading as much as possible, but sometimes it's hard to find content that's understandable, especially at the intermediate level. Beginner content is too simple, but content for native speakers is still really difficult to understand.
That's where my reading practices come in - as a learner myself, I naturally write at a simpler, more digestible level than a native speaker. So, I hope they can be useful to you as intermediate reading content as well! And rest assured, all of my diaries are checked by native speakers before I post them, so don't worry about accidentally practicing with any mistakes.
Today's topic is my new pet hamster, Uto-chan! Here's a picture of him. I hope you enjoy!

Intermediate Japanese Reading Practice WITHOUT Kanji Readings

Intermediate Japanese Reading Practice WITH Kanji Readings

Vocabulary List with Kanji Readings
この前の(まえ)- last
土曜日(どようび)- Saturday
ハムスター - hamster
買いました(かいました)- bought
日本(にほん)- Japan
アパート - apartment
住んで(すんで)- live
猫(ねこ)- cat
犬(いぬ)- dog
飼う(かう)- to have a pet
お金(おかね)- money
かかる - cost
私(わたし)- I
場合(ばあい)- case
ペット - pet
家賃(やちん)- rent
3ヶ月(さんかげつ)- 3 months time
分(ぶん)- portion
払わない(はらわない)といけない - must pay
でも - but
小さい(ちいさい)- small
ケージ - cage
動物(どうぶつ)- animal
なら - if
大丈夫 - okay, fine
〜みたいです - it seems
ですから - so
〜にしました - decided on
ジャンガリアンハムスター - dwarf hamster
なので - so
可愛くて(かわいくて)- cute
ちっちゃい - tiny
色(いろ)- color
灰色(はいいろ)- gray
雄(おす)- male (animals)
なぜなら - because
パートナー - my partner
経験(けいけん)- experience
優しい(やさしい)- kind / sweet
言った(いった)- said
たった - only
円(えん)- yen
餌(えさ)- food (for an animal)
もう - already
ほぼ - almost
2万円(にまんえん)- 20,000 yen
〜と比べたら(くらべたら)- if compared to ~
まだ - still
かなり - considerably
安い(やすい)- cheap
帰った(かえった)ばかりのとき - when (he) had just come home
彼(かれ)- he
ハムスターエクササイズ車輪(しゃりん)- hamster exercise wheel
たくさん - a lot
走りました(はしりました)- ran
そして - then
疲れて(つかれて)きて - get tired
の下(した)に - under
寝て(ねて)しまいました - ended up falling asleep
名前(なまえ)- name
ウトウト - dozing off
That's all for today's JLPT N3 Japanese Reading Practice! How did it go for you? Let me know in the comments! As usual, all requests, corrections, questions, and comments are whole-heartedly welcome!
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Thanks always for reading!