Konnichiyall, everyone! Welcome to another BEGINNER level Japanese Reading Practice! My Japanese Reading Practice series is designed to help you practice Japanese reading in a convenient, learner-friendly way, while also learning a bit about Japan. I hope you enjoy!
This post is written at approximately a JLPT N4 level, meaning that it contains beginner level grammar and kanji. But there's Kanji readings and vocabulary included, so even N5 level beginners can feel free to give it a go!
As usual, the first section is kanji only, and the second section is the same post with the kanji readings included. Please feel free to use whichever one is better suited to your level, and where you're feeling comfortable studying today. Or use both, if you'd like! Also, I know that sometimes as a beginner it's really hard to know where words end and begin, so I've bolded the particles (は、が、で、に、と、を) to help you out a bit.
Also, if you're using the kanji readings included version, beware that like Japanese children's books, I usually won't post the same reading twice! This is to build your reading fluency. So, please try your best to remember the readings as you go along, and maybe even challenge yourself with the kanji only version at the end if you're feeling up to it!
A vocabulary list with both kanji readings and English translations is included at the end of the post.
Well, I hope you enjoy! Let me know how it goes! This week's topic is about my time in Tokyo with a visiting friend. I wrote it at the end of March when she was here, but it's taken me a while to get it edited, checked, and posted!
Beginner Japanese Reading Practice (JLPT N4) - Kanji only version
昨日、友だちとジブリのミュージアムに行きました。とても楽しかったです!子どものときからまじょのたっきゅうびん(Kiki’s Delivery Service) が大好きです。東京に来たら、ぜひジブリミュージアムに行ってみてくださいね!
Beginner Japanese Reading Practice (JLPT N4) - With Kanji Readings
昨日(きのう)、友だちとジブリのミュージアムに行きました。とても楽しかったです!子ども(こども)のときからまじょのたっきゅうびん(Kiki’s Delivery Service) が大好き(だいすき)です。東京に来たら、ぜひ行ってみてくださいね!
今週(こんしゅう)- this week
友だち(ともだち)- friend
ですから - so; because of that
毎日(まいにち)- every day
行って(いって)います - (I am) going
〜にすんでいません - don’t live
家(いえ)- house
電車(でんしゃ)- train
1時間(じかん)ぐらい - about one hour
かかります - takes
疲れて(つかれて)います - tired
でも - but
楽しい(たのしい)- fun
さいしょ - first
よる - night
お店(おみせ)- store; restaurant; shop
安い(やすい)- cheap
来たら(きたら)- if you come
おすすめ - recommendation
注文(ちゅうもん)- order
話せなくても(はなせなくても)- even if someone can’t speak
大丈夫(だいじょうぶ)- OK
昨日(きのう)- yesterday
ジブリのミュージアム - Ghibli Museum
子ども(こども)のとき - when I was a child
大好き(だいすき)- love
ぜひ - absolutely; by all means
行ってみて - check it out; try going
Okay, that's all for this beginner Japanese reading practice! How did it go for you?!
If you have any requests, comments, corrections, or opinions, please let me know in the comments! I would love your feedback about my beginner level content. Would a full English translation be useful?
Any suggestions are always warmly welcomed. And if you enjoyed this piece and want to know when the next one comes out, please like the post and subscribe below to follow along!
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Thanks for reading!
Want more Beginner Level Japanese Reading Practice? Check out my other beginner friendly JLPT Level N4 and N5 posts!