Looking for more JLPT N3 Intermediate level Japanese reading practice? I've got you covered!
Welcome to my Japanese Reading Practice series! This series is made to help you practice Japanese reading for the JLPT exam in a convenient, learner-friendly way, while also learning about daily life in Japan. These posts come from my own Japanese diary, so they are short, quick, and always checked for mistakes by a native Japanese speaker. I hope you enjoy!
As usual, I'll post first without kanji readings and then again with kanji readings. At the end, I'll provide a vocabulary list. Today's post is about a Japanese festival I went to in my town earlier this year. I wrote this in the morning, before actually going, so it's written in future/present tense.
I meant to get this posted before the JLPT but life really got in the way. Better late than never, but this diary entry is actually all the way back from May! I've still been writing, so I'll do my best to get caught up on posting, and hopefully this backlog of entries can prove useful for the next JLPT. As usual, any comments, suggestions, or corrections are wholeheartedly welcome!
JLPT N3 Level Japanese Practice - No Kanji Readings
JLPT N3 Level Japanese Practice - With Kanji Readings
JLPT N3 Japanese Vocabulary List
今日(きょう)- today
私(わたし)- I
町(まち)- town
お祭り(おまつり)- festival
影響(えいきょう)- influence/effect
日本(にほん)- Japan
引っ越す(ひっこす)- to move (as in move houses)
あまり - not much / not many / not a lot
でも - but
どんどん - gradually, something happening at an increasing rate
戻る(もどる)- to return
去年(きょねん)- last year
けど - but
~のせいで - due to ~, because of ~, (used negatively, translates literally to "~'s fault")
結構(けっこう)- considerably, pretty
小さかった(ちいさかった)- was small
今年(ことし)- this year
もっと - more
大きく(おおきく)する - to make big
楽しみ(たのしみ)にしています - looking forward to
私にとって - to me, for me
いろんな - various (more casual way of saying いろいろな)
食べ物(たべもの)- foods
食べる - to eat
機会(きかい)- opportunity
昼(ひる)- lunch / noon
行く(いく)- to go
おいしそうな - delicious-looking
屋台(やたい)food truck
見つける(みつける)- to find
昼ごはん - lunch
~つもりです - I plan to ~
そして - then
わたあめ - cotton candy
かき氷(ごおり)- shaved ice
だし巻き(だしまき)- rolled omelets
有名(ゆうめい)- famous
居酒屋(いざかや)- izakaya, Japanese style bar and restaurant
出店(しゅってん)- food stall
食べたい - want to eat
終わる(おわる)- to end, to finish
ので - because
たぶん - maybe
花火(はなび)- fireworks
思います(おもいます)- to think
残念(ざんねん)- disappointment / disappointing
8月(はちがつ)- August
きっと - surely / certainly
この辺(へん)- this area
どこか - somewhere
行われます(おこなわれます)- to be held
That's all for this JLPT N3 Reading Practice! I hope you were able to learn some new Japanese vocabulary and read through the passage a few times and get more comfortable.
As always, I'd love to hear any comments, corrections, or suggestions in the comments! If you have any ideas for making these posts more convenient or helpful to you, please let me know! My goal is to make practicing Japanese fun, easy, and accessible to you.
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Thanks for reading!
thank you its very helpful. Its very interesting as well.i loved it.please post more in Japanese