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Japanese Reading Practice - Intermediate #7 (JLPT LEVEL N3) - Sports Festival

Updated: Feb 7, 2024

Intermediate Japanese Reading Practice JLPT N3  Sports Festival

Hello everyone! How's your Japanese studying going? Today I have another quick and easy JLPT N3 Intermediate level Japanese reading practice for you! If you're new here, welcome to my Japanese Reading Practice series. This series is made to help you practice Japanese reading in a convenient, learner-friendly way, while also learning about culture and daily life in Japan.

This JLPT Reading Practice series comes from my personal Japanese diary, so they are short, quick, and checked for mistakes by my native Japanese speaking teacher. At an advanced level, it's of course best to listen to and read content by native speakers. But when we're just starting to bridge the gap between beginner and intermediate, it can feel impossible to understand native level content! Sometimes, content by learners for learners is more simple and a lot easier to digest!

First, try this reading practice without the kanji readings and then scroll down for the version with kanji readings. At the end, I'll provide a vocabulary list for any new terms!

As I said in my guide to writing your own Japanese diary, I always write in polite Japanese (desu/masu form), because this is the Japanese used for tourism, going about daily life, and meeting people for the first time in Japan. So, I think it's important to get used to, practice, and master polite Japanese first and foremost.

Today's topic is my school's sports festival. I'm a junior high/high school English teacher here in Japan, so I got to go to Sports Day and cheer on my students! It was a lot of fun, and cool to experience a bit of Japanese culture.

Enjoy! As usual, any comments, suggestions, or corrections are very very welcome!

JLPT N3 Reading Practice - No Kanji Readings





JLPT N3 Reading Practice - With Kanji Readings





JLPT N3 Vocabulary List

昨日(きのう)- yesterday

うちの - my

学校(がっこう)- school

体育祭(たいいくさい)- sports festival

出なかった(でなかった)- did not compete

けど - but

生徒たち(せいとたち)- students

応援(おうえん)- support

ために - for the sake of

行きました(いきました)- went

もちろん - of course

土曜日(どようび)- Saturday

朝早く(あさはやく)- early in the morning

起きて(おきて)- wake up

仕事(しごと)- work

嫌(いや)- unpleasant

結局(けっきょく)- in the end

楽しかった(たのしかった)- was fun

いろいろな - various

リレー - relay

ムカデ競争(きょうそう)- three legged race

玉入れ(たまいれ)- a game where balls are thrown into baskets

行われました(おこなわれました)- were carried out

騎馬戦(きばせん)- Calvary battle

一番(いちばん)- number one

面白い(おもしろい)- interesting

思いました(おもいました)- thought

なぜなら - because

ヒロアカ - my hero academia

午前(ごぜん)- AM/morning time

~が終わったら(おわったら)- when 〜 finishes

各チーム(かくちーむ)- each team

3年生たち(さんねんせいたち)- third year students

コスプレショー - cosplay show

可愛かった(かわいかった)- was cute

話す(はなす)- to speak

一日中(いちにちじゅう)- all day

見る(みる)- to see

嬉しそう(うれしそう)seemingly happy

話しかけてきて - come up and talk to

教室(きょうしつ)- classroom

外(そと)- outside

みんな - everyone

会えて(あえて)- can meet

よかった - was good

1人(ひとり)- one person

お母さん(おかあさん)- mom (if talking to a third party, this means someone else's mom)

見つけて(みつけて)- find

娘さん(むすめさん)- daughter (someone else's, not your own)

教える(おしえる)- to teach

感謝(かんしゃ)- appreciation; gratitude

伝えて(つたえて)- convey; tell

優しい(やさしい)- kind

本当に(ほんとうに)- really

嬉しかった (うれしかった)- was happy

よい - good

And that's it for this JLPT N3 Intermediate Level Reading Practice! How did it go for you?

I'd love to hear any comments, corrections, or suggestions below in the comment section! If you have any ideas for making these posts more convenient or helpful to you, please let me know! My goal is to make practicing Japanese fun, easy, and accessible to you.

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Thanks always for reading!

Craving more content about Japanese studies? Check out my other JLPT Reading Practice posts and reading practices here:


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