Need some quick and easy reading practice for the the Level N3 Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT)? I've got you!
The JLPT is coming up in a few weeks again, so I have another fast 5-minute Intermediate N3 Level Japanese Reading Practice today! My Japanese Reading Practice series is made to help you practice Japanese reading in a convenient, learner-friendly way, while learning about daily life in Japan. I hope you enjoy! This week's topic is a recent earthquake in my area.
The hardest section for most of us on the JLPT is reading comprehension. And, for better or for worse, the best way to get better at reading comprehension is just by practicing reading. Today's Japanese Reading Practice is a short one, so it's a great way to add 5 minutes of Japanese Reading Practice to your day!
This Japanese Reading Practice passage is written around a JLPT N3 level, so it contains intermediate level grammar and kanji.
As usual, the first section is kanji only, and the second section is the same content with the kanji readings included. Warning - I won't post the same kanji reading twice! This is to build your reading fluency. So, please try your best to remember the readings as you go along, and maybe even challenge yourself with the kanji only version at the end if you're feeling up to it!
A vocabulary list with both kanji readings and English translations is down at the end of the post.
I hope you you find this useful! Let me know in the comments!
JLPT N3 Level Japanese Reading Practice Without Kanji Readings
JLPT N3 Level Japanese Reading Practice With Kanji Readings
Japanese Vocabulary List
今週(こんしゅう)- this week
関東(かんとう)エリア - Kanto Area
大きい(おおきい)- big
地震(じしん)- earthquake
午前(ごぜん)- AM
千葉県(ちばけん)- Chiba Prefecture
起きました(おきました)- occurred (in this case)
私(わたし)- I
住んで(すんで)いる - to live in
家(いえ)- house
結構(けっこう)- pretty, considerably
感じられました(かんじられました)- could feel
目覚めたら(めざめたら)- when I woke up
揺れるゆれる)- to shake
怖かった(こわかった)- was scary
恥ずかしい(はずかしい)- embarrassing
3年間(さんねんかん)- three years time
国(くに)- country
災害(さいがい)- disaster
準備(じゅんび)- preparation
非常(ひじょう)- emergency
持ち出し袋(もちだしぶくろ)- Emergency bag (literally, grab and leave bag)
買いました(かいました)- bought
実(じつ)- Actually, The truth is
日本(にほん)に住んでいる人(ひと)- people living in Japan
絶対(ぜったい)- definitely
必需品(ひつじゅひん)- necessary item, necessity
遅かった(おそかった)- late, slow
中(なか)- inside
入って(はいって)いる - to be inside
携帯(けいたい)- portable
懐中電灯(かいちゅうでんとう)- flashlight
非常食(ひじょうしょく)- emergency food
もしものとき - in a crisis
自分(じぶん)- I, me
必要な(ひつような)こと - necessary things
第一歩(だいいっぽ)- first step
思います(おもいます)- to think
That's all for this JLPT N3 Reading Practice! How did it go for you?
As always, I'd love to hear any comments, corrections, or suggestions in the comments! If you have any ideas for making these posts more convenient or helpful to you, please let me know! My goal is to make practicing Japanese fun, easy, and accessible to you.
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