Looking for some JLPT N3 Intermediate Level Japanese practice? Look no further than my Japanese Reading Practice Series!
The Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) is around the corner again, so it's time to start preparing! The hardest section for most people on the JLPT is reading comprehension - trying to get through so many long passages so quickly, while also understanding what's written, is just plain hard. While there are some useful strategies you can use for this section, such as reading questions first and finding keywords, in general the best way to get better at reading comprehension is just by practicing reading.
And, my Japanese Reading Practice series is designed to help you practice Japanese reading in a convenient, learner-friendly way, while also learning about daily life in Japan. I hope you enjoy! This week's topic is my 2023 Golden Week in Japan.
This post is written around a JLPT N3 level, meaning that it contains intermediate level grammar and kanji.
As usual, the first section is kanji only, and the second section is the same content with the kanji readings included. And, just like Japanese children's books, I won't post the same kanji reading twice! This is to build your reading fluency. So, please try your best to remember the readings as you go along, and maybe even challenge yourself with the kanji only version at the end if you're feeling up to it!
A vocabulary list with both kanji readings and English translations is included at the end of the post.
Well, I hope you enjoy! Let me know how it goes!
JLPT N3 Level Japanese Reading Practice without Kanji Reading
JLPT N3 Level Japanese Reading Practice with Kanji Readings
Japanese Vocabulary List
最後(さいご)- last
日(ひ)- day
三日間(みっかかん)- three days time
祝日(しゅくじつ)- holiday
連続(れんぞく)- continuation
普通(ふつう)- usual, normal
週末(しゅうまつ)- weekend
合わせて(あわせて)- including, together with
合計(ごうけい)- total
連休(れんきゅう)- continuous holiday; days off in a row; long vacation
会社(かいしゃ)- company
かなり - quite; pretty
厳しい(きびしい)- strict; uptight; difficult
働く(はたらく)- to work
珍しい(めずらしい)- rare
機会(きかい)- opportunity
の間(あいだ)に - during
混んじゃう(こんじゃう)- crowded
人混み(ひとごみ)- crowds of people
苦手(にがて)- bad at; don't like
しかし - however
結局(けっきょく)- in the end
方(ほう)- direction
休み(やすみ)- rest; relaxation
毎日(まいにち)- every day
忙しい(いそがしい)- busy
遊び(あそび)- play; hang out
行きました(いきました)- went
美味しい(おいしい)- delicious
食べ物(たべもの)- food
いくつか - several
お酒(おさけ)- alcohol
いっぱい - full; a lot
飲みました(のみました)- drank
ズボン - pants; trousers
買いました(かいました)- bought
疲れて(つかれて)- exhausted
久しぶり(ひさしぶり)- for the first time in a long time
会える(あえる)- to be able to see, to be able to meet up with
避けられた(さけられた)- was able to avoid
家(いえ)- house
絶対(ぜったい)- definitely
出ない(でない)- will not go out
1日(いちにち)- one day
Okay, that's it for Golden Week! How did this practice go for you?!
As always, I'd love to hear any comments, corrections, or suggestions in the comments! If you have any ideas for how to make these posts more convenient or helpful to you, please let me know! Should I add some comprehension check questions next time?
If you enjoyed this piece and want to know when the next one comes out, please like the post and subscribe below to follow along!
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Thanks for reading!
Want more N3 Level Japanese Reading Practice? Check out my other Intermediate level practices here:
Japanese Reading Practice: Hiking in Japan (Intermediate Level JLPT N3)
Japanese Reading Practice - Intermediate #6 (JLPT LEVEL N3) - Festival
QUICK 5 minute INTERMEDIATE LEVEL Japanese Reading Practice (JLPT N3)
5-minute Japanese Reading Practice (INTERMEDIATE LEVEL JLPT N3) - Busy October in Japan
QUICK JLPT N2 Intermediate-Advanced Japanese Reading Practice - Preparing for the JLPT