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Japanese Reading Practice (INTERMEDIATE LEVEL JLPT N3) - The End of the School Year

Updated: May 19, 2024

Pink background with cartoon cherry blossoms and text that says "Intermediate Japanese Reading Practice"

Hello everyone! Time for this week's Intermediate Level Japanese Reading Practice! My Japanese Reading Practice series is designed to help you practice Japanese reading in a convenient, learner-friendly way, while also learning about daily life in Japan. I hope you enjoy! This week's theme is the end of the school year in Japan.

This post is written around a JLPT N3 level, meaning that it contains intermediate level grammar and kanji. There is also a beginner version post of this same topic, so please check it out if that's more suited to you!

As usual, the first section is kanji only, and the second section is the same content with the kanji readings included. And, just like Japanese children's books, I won't post the same kanji reading twice! This is to build your reading fluency. So, please try your best to remember the readings as you go along, and maybe even challenge yourself with the kanji only version at the end if you're feeling up to it!

A vocabulary list with both kanji readings and English translations is included at the end of the post.

All of my Japanese Reading Practices come directly from my own Japanese diary, and are checked by native Japanese speakers before I post them. If you ever have a topic request, just let me know!

I hope you enjoy this reading! Let me know how it goes in the comments.

JLPT N3 Intermediate Japanese Reading Practice (Kanji only) - 学年の終わり







JLPT N3 Intermediate Japanese Reading Practice (With Kanji Readings) - 学年(がくねん)の終わり(おわり)







Intermediate Level Japanese Vocabulary List

学年(がくねん)- school year

終わり(おわり)- ending

昨日(きのう)- yesterday

違う(ちがう)- to be different

2週間(にしゅうかん)- two weeks (間 signifies a period of time)

春休み(はるやすみ)- spring break

新しい(あたらしい)- new

始まる(はじまる)- to begin

制度(せいど)- system

いろいろ - various

春(はる)- spring

咲き始める(さきはじめる)- to begin to bloom

寂しい(さびしい)- lonely

雰囲気(ふんいき)- atmosphere

感じられる(かんじられる)- to be able to feel

2番目(にばんめ)- second, secondly

お掃除(おそうじ)- cleaning

生徒たち(せいとたち)- students (たち makes nouns plural)

行われる(おこなわれる)- to be carried out

最後(さいご)- lastly

日(ひ)- day

授業(じゅぎょう)- class

自分(じぶん)- one’s own / one’s self

教室(きょうしつ)- classroom

職員室(しょくいんしつ)- staff room

全部(ぜんぶ)- all of

何か(なにか)- something

絶対(ぜったい)- definitely

お正月(おしょうがつ)- New Year’s

学期(がっき)- school term / semester

お土産(おみやげ)- souvenirs/gifts (usually snacks)

引退(いんたい)- retirement

転職(てんしょく)- job change/company change (in this case, school change)

普通(ふつう)- usually

配る(くばる)- to distribute

卒業生(そつぎょうせい)- graduates / graduating studnets

美味しい(おいしい)- delicious

今年(ことし)- this year

一番(いちばん)- number one / most

親しい(したしい)- close (as in friendship)

悲しい(かなしい)- sad

来年(らいねん)- next year

いつか - one day

会える(あえる)- to be able to see / meet (a person)

嬉しい(うれしい)- happy

友達(ともだち)- friend

いっぱい - full / a lot

遊ぶ(あそぶ)- to play / to have fun

楽しみ(たのしみ)にしています - I’m looking forward to it


Okay, that's it for this practice! How did it go for you?!

As always, I'd love to hear any comments, corrections, or suggestions in the comments! If you have any ideas for how to make these posts more convenient or helpful to you, please let me know and I'll implement them ASAP!

And if you enjoyed this piece and want to know when the next one comes out, please like the post and subscribe below to follow along! You can also follow on Twitter for post updates!



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