Konnichiyall, everyone! I hope your studies are going well!
Recently, I've been thinking of ways to make this blog more useful for you all. I thought that a series of reading practice pieces written in Japanese could be helpful. While there's definitely something to be said for reading material written by native speakers of Japanese, sometimes it's hard to find practice pieces written at an appropriate level for our grammar and vocabulary studies, unless they were written by a Japanese teacher. Reading (proofread) writing by nonnative speakers is a good way to gain some practice with simpler structures geared towards beginner and intermediate levels.
Give it a shot if you're up to it!
I'm using my own diary entries as content, so themes will be things like: daily life in Japan, Japan travel, and Japanese food.
Don't worry about any of my mistakes potentially teaching you bad Japanese - I have my native Japanese speaking teacher check my diaries each week, so rest assured that everything here is grammatically correct.
I'll paste the same piece twice in a row here, first without kanji readings and second with hiragana behind most kanji. However, if I repeat a word I've already given the reading for, I won't give them again, so try your best to remember as you go along! At the end, I'll post English translations of difficult words, so scroll down if you need any help!
1. JLPT N3 Level Japanese Reading Practice (Kanji only)
2. JLPT N3 Level Japanese Reading Practice (With Kanji readings)
3. Vocabulary
最近(さいきん)- recent
料理(りょうり)- cooking
作る(つくる)- to make
彼女(かのじょ)- girlfriend
すこしずつ - little by little
教えて(おしえて)もらう - being taught (by someone)
大体(だいたい)- generally
材料(ざいりょう)- ingredients
準備(じゅんび)- preparation
育った(そだった)- was raised
意外(いがい)- surprisingly
www - Japanese 'lol'
買う(かう)- to buy
じゃがいも - potato
袋(ふくろ)- bag
中身(なかみ)- contents
そろそろ - soon
腐る(くさる)- to go bad; to rot
気づきました(きづきました)- to notice
興味(きょうみ)- interest
朝時間(ちょうじかん)がかかる - to take a long time
最初(さいしょに)- first
皮(かわ)をむく - peel the skin
部分(ぶぶん)- parts
取る(とる)- to take (off)
小さく切る(きる)- to cut into small pieces
茹でる(ゆでる)- to boil
つぶして(つぶす)- to mash
丸める(まるめて)- to make a ball
冷凍庫(れいとうこ)- freezer
冷やす(ひやす)- to chill (something)
最後(さいご)- lastly
やっと - finally
揚げる(あげる)- to deep fry (this is the age from karaage)
サクサクする - to crunch; to be crunchy
作りがいがある - to be worth cooking
Okay y'all, I think that's it for this one! Let me know what you think. Was this helpful for you? Did you understand most of the kanji and grammar? Would it be helpful for me to provide a full English translation instead of just vocabulary?
Let me know in the comments! Any suggestions are always welcome.
And if you enjoyed this piece and want to know when the next one comes out, please like the post and subscribe below to follow along!
Well, I'll go ahead and end it here! Thanks for reading!
Need more Japanese Reading Practice before the JLPT? Check out my other Reading Practices here:
Intermediate-Advanced Japanese Level (JLPT N3 - JLPT N2):
Beginner Japanese Level (JLPT N5 - JLPT N4):