こんにちは!I’m back today with more Japanese Reading Practice. These Reading Practice passages are designed for learners of all levels to be able to practice reading Japanese in an easy, convenient, and level-appropriate way. As you practice with these texts, your reading speed and fluency will get better and better, leaving you ready to ace the JLPT!
Today's post is written at the JLPT N3 Level (Intermediate Japanese). You can check out the last Intermediate Level post here if you missed it! As always, this text was proofread by my native-speaking Japanese teacher to catch any potential mistakes, so don't worry!
I’ll post once with kanji only, then below with most of the kanji readings. Try your best to remember the readings as you go along, because I’ll only give them once in order to help develop reading fluency (if the word or conjugation is different but I don’t give the reading again, you can assume it’s the same). At the end, I’ll include a list of potentially difficult vocabulary with English translations!
I use my own Japanese diary entries as content for this Japanese Reading Practice series, so themes are things like my daily life in Japan, Japan travel, and Japanese food.
Today's theme is hiking! It was getting a bit long, so I wrapped it up quickly rather than overwhelm everyone with tons of text, but hopefully you can get the gist from the photos.
If you’re up to some reading practice, give it a shot and let me know how it went in the comments sections!
JLPT N3 Intermediate Level Japanese Reading Practice (Kanji only) - ハイキング

JLPT N3 Intermediate Level Japanese Reading Practice (With Kanji Readings) - ハイキング
Intermediate Japanese Vocabulary List (with Kanji Readings)
数ヶ月前に (すうかげつまえに)- a few months ago
住んでいる(すんでいる) - living
辺り(あたり)- area
実は(じつは)- actually
最近(さいきん)- recently
忙しい (いそがしい)- busy
読む(よむ)- to read
忘れちゃう(忘れちゃう)- to end up forgetting
この前の土曜日(このまえのどようび)- last Saturday
パートナー - partner
言う(いう)- to say
思い出す(おもいだす)- to remember
おすすめ - recommendations
初級(しょきゅう)- beginner
中級(ちゅうきゅう)- intermediate
上級(じょうきゅう)- advanced
分かれています(わかれています)- separated into
一番(いちばん)近い(ちかい)- closest
選ぶ(えらぶ)- to choose
景色(けしき)- scenery
岩(いわ)- big stone, boulder
見える(みえる)- can be seen
家を出る(いえをでる)- to leave the house
バスに乗る(のる)- to get on a bus
降りる(おりる)- to get off (a bus, train, etc.)
着く(つく) - to arrive
最初(さいしょ)- the start
山(やま)に登る(のぼる) - to climb a mountain
自然(しぜん)- nature
爽やか(さわやか)- refreshing
コース途中(とちゅう)- along the course
見つける(みつける)- to find
帰り道に(かえりみちに)- on the way home
全部(ぜんぶ)- all
www - Japanese ‘lol’
And that’s all for this reading practice! How did it go for you?!
If you have any requests, comments, or opinions, let me know! I’d love to know if you’d like easier/more challenging content, more or fewer kanji readings, etc. Would an English translation be useful for you?
Let me know in the comments! Any suggestions or requests are always welcome.
And if you enjoyed this piece and want to know when the next one comes out, please subscribe below and follow along on Twitter!
I'll go ahead and end it here! Thanks for reading!
Want more quick and easy Japanese Reading Practice? Find other passages in this series here:
Intermediate Level Japanese Reading Practice (JLPT N3) - My New Hamster
5-minute INTERMEDIATE level Japanese Reading Practice (JLPT N3) - Getting Sick
QUICK AND EASY! 10-minute BEGINNER Japanese Reading Practice JLPT N4 - Volunteering in Japan
5-minute Japanese Reading Practice (INTERMEDIATE LEVEL JLPT N3) - Busy October in Japan
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