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QUICK 5 minute INTERMEDIATE LEVEL Japanese Reading Practice (JLPT N3)

Intermediate Japanese Reading Practice 8 Typhoon Season in Japan

Today I'm back with another INTERMEDIATE LEVEL Japanese Reading Practice (JLPT N3) about Typhoon Season in Japan for you to try out your reading skills! And if you remember when Typhoon Number 2 was, you'll realize how behind I am in posting my diary entries here 😅

I actually also posted a much shorter and simplified BEGINNER VERSION of this one, so if that's more your current be sure to check it out! The two versions have pretty different grammar and vocabulary, so feel free to compare and use either or both for your studies.

In case there are any newcomers here, my Japanese Reading Practice Series is designed to help Beginner to Intermediate Japanese learners practice their Japanese reading fluency in a fun, easy, and convenient way. All the content for this series comes directly from my personal Japanese diary, so all of the entries are fast, simple, and checked for accuracy by my native Japanese speaking teacher!

At a high level, consuming lots of Japanese content made by native speakers for native speakers is very important. But, when we're still at the beginner to intermediate level of Japanese, it can be so frustrating to take hours to understand a single passage or try to grasp what's being said in a YouTube video. Sometimes, content made by learners for learners, especially if it's double-checked by a native-speaker, can provide a lot more understandable input for the time that you put in. My content is targeted to your level, and uses familiar grammar structures and vocabulary that will help you ace the JLPT!

As usual, I'll post the reading first with NO KANJI READINGS for a challenge like you'd see on the actual JLPT, and then I'll post a second section with the Kanji Readings. Lastly, I'll post a full vocabulary list for any terms you may be unfamiliar with.

Good luck! Let me know in the comments how it goes for you!

JLPT N3 Intermediate Japanese Reading Practice - Without Kanji Readings




JLPT N3 Intermediate Japanese Reading Practice - WITH Kanji Readings Included




JLPT N3 Vocabulary List

日本(にほん)- Japan

5月(ごがつ)- May

台風(たいふう)- typhoon

季節(きせつ)- season

台風2号(にごう)- Typhoon Number 2

金曜日(きんようび)- Friday

全国(ぜんこく)- the whole country

大雨(おおあめ)- heavy rain

警報(けいほう)- warning (official warning, public warning)

うちの学校(がっこう)- my school; the school I teach at

普通(ふつう)- regular

授業(じゅぎょう)- class/lessons

の代わりに(かわりに)- instead of

オンライン授業 - online class

宿題(しゅくだい)- homework

行いました(おこないました)- carried out

なので - so; because of that

家(いえ)- house

働きました(はたらきました)- worked

朝(あさ)- morning

生徒たち(せいとたち)- students

宿題を出して(だして)- assign homework

3時半(さんじはん)- 3:30

締切(しめきり)- deadline

伝えました(つたえました)- told

そして - then

一日中(いちにちじゅう)- all day

アパート - apartment

掃除(そうじ)- cleaning

料理(りょうり)- cooking

ちょっと - a bit

見ちゃった(みちゃった)- ended up watching

雨(あめ)- rain

たくさん - a lot

(雨が)降って(ふって)いた - (rain) was falling

けど - but

5時(ごじ)ごろに - at around 5 o'clock

激しく(はげしく)なりました - became extreme

ザーザー降っていました - onomatopoeia for heavy rain

私(わたし)たち - we

ベランダ - veranda/balcony

植物(しょくぶつ)- plants

育て(そだて)ています - raising/growing

怖かった(こわかった)- was scary

結局(けっきょく)- in the end

大丈夫(だいじょうぶ)- fine / okay

カモミール - chamomile

オクラ - okra

の上(うえ)に - on top of

落ちて(おちて)しまいました - ended up falling

たぶん - maybe

~と思います(おもいます)- I think ~

昨日(きのう)- yesterday

午後(ごご)- afternoon

やっと - finally

晴れて(はれて)きました - cleared up

ですから - so; because of that

明日(あした)- tomorrow

戻ります(もどります)- return

問題(もんだい)- problem

起こす(おこす)- to cause

やっぱり - as expected, in the end, after all

お休み(おやすみ)- day off

よかった - was good

Do you want more Japanese Reading Practice? Check out some of my other JLPT Reading Practices!

Intermediate Japanese Level (JLPT N3 - JLPT N2) -

Beginner Japanese Level (JLPT N5 - JLPT N4)

Alright, that's all for our JLPT N3 Reading Practice today! How did it feel for you? As always, I'd love to know your experience, as well as any suggestions, comments, corrections, or concerns! Let me know in the comments!

If you enjoyed this Intermediate Level Japanese Reading Practice and don't want to miss the next one, don't forget to hit like and subscribe using the box below! And as usual, any SOCIAL SHARES would be so greatly appreciated as it really helps to grow this community!


Thank you always for reading!


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