Hey everyone! Today I'm back with a new JLPT N4 Beginner Level Japanese Reading Practice for you! If you've got a few minutes, try it out below!
If you're new here, this Japanese Reading Practice series is made to help you practice reading Japanese and improve your reading fluency in a convenient, learner-friendly style.
In order to get better and faster at reading Japanese, it's important to practice, practice, practice! However, oftentimes written materials made for native speakers, even for kids, have a lot of unfamiliar grammar and new words. Which is why I'm creating simple reading practice material for all levels!
All content for this series comes from my personal Japanese diary, so it's fast, easy, and always double-checked for accuracy by my native-speaking Japanese teacher! I hope you enjoy!
Today's passage is written at a JLPT N4 level, meaning that it contains upper-beginner level grammar and kanji. But, I'll provide Kanji readings and vocabulary too, so don't feel scared to try it out!
Section 1 is the Kanji only version of this passage, and section 2 has kanji readings included! At the end, I've posted a comprehensive vocabulary list for this piece, with kanji readings and English translations.
The topic of today's post is volunteering! Recently, I took up a once-a-month volunteer position at a local thrift shop to work on my Japanese and get more involved in my neighborhood. I hope you enjoy reading a bit about it!
1. JLPT N4 Beginner Japanese Reading Practice - WITHOUT Kanji Readings
2. JLPT N4 Beginner Japanese Reading Practice - WITH Kanji Readings
3. Beginner Japanese (JLPT N4) Vocabulary List
もう - already
7月(しちがつ)- July
入りました(はいりました)- entered
日本(にほん)- Japan
すごく - very
暑い(あつい)- hot
家(いえ)- house
から - from
出る(でる)と - when you go out
すぐに - quickly
汗(あせ)をかきます - sweat
昨日(きのう)- yesterday
日本に来て(きて)- come to Japan
から - since (in this context)
初めて(はじめて)- first time
ボランティアをしました - volunteered
近所(きんじょ)- neighborhood
リサイクルショップ - recycle shop (thrift store)
午前中(ごぜんちゅう)- during the morning
働きました(はたらきました)- worked
あいにく - unfortunately
雨(あめ)- rain
ひどかった - was horrible
ので - so, because of that
お客さん(おきゃくさん)- customer
少なかった(すくなかった)- few (past tense)
けど - but
楽しかった(たのしかった)- was fun
片付けたり(かたずけたり)- (things like) tidying up
掃除(そうじ)をしたり - (things like) cleaning
値段(ねだん)をつけたり - (things like) attaching price tags to items
オーナーさん - owner
スタッフさんたち - staff members
とても - very
優しい(やさしい)- kind
人たち(ひとたち)- people
いろいろ - various
話しながら(はなしながら)- while talking
働けました - could work
日本語(にほんご)- Japanese
練習(れんしゅう)- practice
として - as
いい - good
コミュニティ- community
人々(ひとびと)- people
会えて(あえて)- can meet
よかった - was good
〜と思います(おもいます)- I think ~
経験(けいけん)- experience
今月(こんげつ)- this month
仕事(しごと)- work
旅行(りょこう)- travel
忙しい(いそがしい)- busy
来月(らいげつ)- next month
また - again
行きます(いきます)- will go
楽しみ(たのしみ)にしています - looking forward to it
That's it for today's passage! How did this Beginner Japanese reading practice go for you? Let me know below in the comment section! Any suggestions, corrections, and requests are always warmly welcomed.
If you enjoyed this practice passage and want to catch the next one, please like this post and subscribe using the box below to follow along!
Thank you for reading!
Want another Japanese reading passage? Check out my other JLPT Reading Practices here!
Intermediate Japanese Level (JLPT N3 - JLPT N2)
Beginner Japanese Level (JLPT N5 - JLPT N4)
Nice to read, some notes on grammar relearned hopefully we'll and reading is going to be key to find at the appropriate level as you say to-omoimasu.